A 90-year-old with Parkinson’s disease was cheered on by three generations of her family while competing in a weightlifting competition for over 70’s in Taipei, Taiwan.
During the three-round competition, Cheng Chen Chin-Mei lifted 35, 40 and 45 kg.
“I want to tell all the old people to join the workout. You don’t need to work extremely hard, but this is to maintain health,” Cheng Chen said.
Competition officials say the event aims to help members of Taipei’s ageing population, with the country on track to become a “super aged society”: a designation given to countries where at least 21 percent of the population is aged 65 and above.
Taiwan aims to establish 288 fitness clubs for elderly people nationwide by 2025, with reports projecting a median age of 48.7 by 2030.
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