Tomah Health physical therapist Sheena Voge, D.P.T., will be the featured speaker at the Tomah Health Parkinson’s Support Group meeting Tuesday, Aug. 1 from 1-2:30 p.m. in the first floor conference rooms at Tomah Health, 501 Gopher Dr.
Voge will discuss falls and movement for those with Parkinson’s and ways to reduce in-home falls. She will also discuss treatment options, including LSVT BIG. which is a physical treatment protocol designed for people living with Parkinson’s. It is based on amplitude training and high-effort exercise to assist with sensory re-calibration, which is the process of teaching individuals to accept what feels “too big” as actual normal movement.
Tomah Health offers the Parkinson’s Support Group for patients and caregivers the first Tuesday of each month.
For more information visit, tomahhealth.org/community-outreach or contact Tomah Health speech pathologist Kristen Gerke, MA, CCC\SLP at 608-377-8353 or Tomah Health community outreach health educator Whitney Sanjari, RN, at 608-377-8615.
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