The local Lincoln Parkinson’s support group has partnered with the Parkinson’s Foundation to host the Shake, Rattle & Stroll Relay – an outdoor community relay fundraiser scheduled for 5-9 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 8, at Nebraska Wesleyan University, 5410 Huntington Ave.
The event will feature an open track relay, live entertainment and vendor booths with opportunities for participants to indulge in local food, donate and learn more about Parkinson’s disease.
The relay is more than just a fundraiser; it’s a movement that brings together the Parkinson’s community to combine the power of exercise and critical fundraising for research. Jennifer Reinboth, a participant and event organizer, described the event as an opportunity for the PD community to rally together with a positive attitude while making a meaningful impact.
For more information, contact Nicole Lopez at [email protected] or 972-843-9068.
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