Buxton actress to take part in Parkinson’s charity fundraising walk at Chatsworth

An actress from Buxton is among the latest fundraisers to sign up for a charity walk at Chatsworth this month, with proceeds going towards vital research into the life-changing condition which her mum lives with.

Kate Tickle, 37, whose CV includes minor film roles alongside advertising and modelling work, will be lacing up her boots on Saturday, September 23, to take part in the Walk for Parkinson’s event.

She will be with husband David, dad Peter and mum Betty, who has lived for several years with the incurable brain condition that affects around 135,000 people in the UK.

Kate said: “After mum’s diagnosis it really brought our attention to this illness and we want to do all we can to help raise money and awareness.”

Buxton resident Kate Tickle, right, and her mum Betty will be joining the Walk for Parkinson’s at Chatsworth House on Saturday, September 23. (Photo: Kate Tickle/Parkinson’s UK)Buxton resident Kate Tickle, right, and her mum Betty will be joining the Walk for Parkinson’s at Chatsworth House on Saturday, September 23. (Photo: Kate Tickle/Parkinson’s UK)
Buxton resident Kate Tickle, right, and her mum Betty will be joining the Walk for Parkinson’s at Chatsworth House on Saturday, September 23. (Photo: Kate Tickle/Parkinson’s UK)

The family want to encourage High Peak residents to join the event, which takes place over fully accessible 2.4 mile route, or a six mile route for those wanting more of a challenge, and help support Parkinson’s UK’s vital work to accelerate breakthroughs in treating the disease.

Kate said: “We are really looking forward to walking with others and bringing along a jovial spirit with fellow individuals who also have friends and loved ones going through the same struggles. It would mean the world to us to help towards finding a cure for Parkinson’s.”

On the day, walkers will line up alongside many Parkinson’s patients and those close to them, and be able to learn all about how it affects them.

Katie Thomas, who leads regional fundraising for the charity, said: “Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world. In the East Midlands alone there are 10,995 people living with it.

“Every hour, two more people in the UK are diagnosed, meaning one in 37 people alive today will be diagnosed with Parkinson’s in their lifetime.”

She added: “There’s no cure yet but if we all come together and take part in Walk for Parkinson’s, we can make a difference to the lives of people with Parkinson’s. We can make breakthroughs. We can find a cure.

“Whatever your age or fitness level, we’d love to see you at Chatsworth. Take the first step and sign up today.”

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