Great meeting for Parkinsons group

Chrissy and Cherie enjoying coffee and company at a recent Parkinson’s Support Group meeting.

Yoey Coogan

The Gympie Parkinson’s Support Group held another great meeting in June.

The Guest Speaker, Dominique, founder of the “Wonder Sheet” spoke about her specially designed sheet for PWP.

I know it is impossible to be happy and sad at the same time. Even so, it gives us pleasure to see new members arrive while it saddens us that PD continues to baffle the research teams.

Our Group meets on the second Monday of the month in the Indoor Bowls Club Hall in Graham Street. Here for the price of a gold coin you will be served with a Devonshire Tea, great company plus a Guest Speaker. Carers and friends are also invited to join us from 10.00 am.

Our Guest Speakers for July will be Sharon and Jess from Range Care a local Respite Provider.

Next meeting will be Monday 10 July, from 10 am.

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