Jeremy Paxman: Parkinson’s makes you wish you hadn’t been born

Jeremy Paxman marked World Parkinson’s Day by handing in the petition to Downing Street, asking for more support for people with the condition
Jeremy Paxman marked World Parkinson’s Day by handing in the petition to Downing Street, asking for more support for people with the condition

Having Parkinson’s disease “makes you wish you hadn’t been born”, Jeremy Paxman has said as he called for the government to improve treatment for the condition.

The former Newsnight and University Challenge presenter, along with five other people also living with the disease, went to Downing Street on Thursday to present a petition calling for five key policies to be implemented by the government.

Called the “Parky Charter”, its recommendations include: swift access to specialists under the NHS, a Parkinson’s passport granting automatic entitlement to specific benefits, and increased government funding for research for a cure.

Outside No 10, Paxman, 73, described the toll Parkinson’s had taken on his life since he was given the diagnosis in 2021. “[Parkinson’s] may not kill you but it

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