Man’s mission to raise money after dad’s Parkinson’s diagnosis

Vincent Briggs is taking part in a series of cold water swims to fundraise for Parkinson’s UK in a challenge he has aptly named the ‘12 Shakes of Christmas’. 

Inspired by his dad Jeffrey Briggs, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2022, Vincent is taking part in 12 cold water swims across Yorkshire.

Vincent said:  “My dad is an incredibly proud man and has continued to be the same person as before, even when that’s extremely difficult.

“I have seen simple tasks such as tying his laces or buttoning his shirt become a real struggle, but he has tackled the condition with positivity and has even taken up new hobbies such as archery.”

Vincent has completed six of the swims so far, tackling icy water at Gaddings Dam, frosty terrain along the River Wharfe, and heavy rain at the Leadbeater Dam in Halifax.

He hopes to wrap up the challenge by the end of December and is encouraging his sister and dad Jeffrey to join him on the last swim. 

Jeffrey said: “Parkinson’s has changed my life and I had to fight back the tears when Vincent told me about his challenge.”

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