Parkinson's Blog


Intense exercise may help keep Parkinson’s disease at bay CanIndia News

Intensive exercise could slow the course of Parkinson’s disease, suggests a study, which could pave the way for new non-drug approaches. The study, published in the journal Science Advances, identified a new mechanism responsible for the positive effects of exercise on brain plasticity. It showed that exercise performed in the early stages of the disease […]

Fighting back against Parkinson’s

For a long time, the symptoms were so mild that few people outside of Jerry’s immediate family noticed. But after Jerry was hospitalized with pneumonia and then her husband died in 2019, the disease seemed to become more aggressive. Within a few months, Jerry could no longer live independently and moved in with her daughter, Tammy […]

Step out for Parkinson’s

Two thousand individuals are currently diagnosed with Parkinson’s on the Sunshine Coast and they need your help. More than 400 walkers are raising crucial […]